SCIRESCO | univerzitní vědecké konference na jednom místě...

univerzitní konference | vědecké workshopy

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V databázi SCIRESCO je aktuálně

101 aktivních pozvánek na vědecká

odborná setkání.


Conference Invitation

QUAERE - Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD. students and assistants 2024, vol. XIV.

  • June 24 - 26, 2024
  • Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD. students and assistants
  • Call For Papers


Detail of the conference

Detail of the conference: display all conferences in the SCIRESCO database


Higher Education Forum

8th International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science

Artificial Intelligence is based on the research of fundamental and applied sciences. Through the evolution of information and engineering, it has gradually penetrated and changed not only our lives but our work style, which has resulted in bringing new experiences and convenience. AI is creating a new economy and a new business model. It is changing how we work and how we communicate. At this conference, we will cover AI strategy, implementation, and various use cases in the industry. And we will touch on AI technology from Autonomous-Driving to Computer Visioning, Face Recognition, RPA and other trending technologies. 2023 International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISCEAS) is an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of engineering and applied sciences. 2023 ISCEAS will take place from November 23 - 25, 2023 in KYOTO, JAPAN. The scholars are encouraged to submit full papers or abstracts on any aspect of engineering and applied sciences. All manuscripts submissions should be made using online submission system.


Higher Education Forum

Místo konání:

Kyoto, Japan , Japan

Termín konání:

23.11.2023 - 25.11.2023

Web konference:

Oborové zaměření konference:

Elektrotechnika, Energetika, Mechatronika, Nauky o materiálech, Ostatní

Parametry konference:

účastnický poplatek

Přidáno dne: 19. května 2023 v 00:00


Elektrotechnika, Energetika, Mechatronika, Nauky o materiálech, Ostatní, Higher Education Forum, 23. listopadu 2023