SCIRESCO | scientific university conferences in one place…

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The SCIRESCO database has collected

101 invitations of scientific events,

conferences, workshops.


Conference Invitation

QUAERE - Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD. students and assistants 2024, vol. XIV.

  • June 24 - 26, 2024
  • Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD. students and assistants
  • Call For Papers


Detail of the conference

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Elite Achieve Inc.

6th Global Conference on Engineering and applied Science 2023

2023 GCEAS aims to provide a communication platform for scholars, professionals, academics and graduate students not only to present their recent and latest researches but also to share their thoughts and to discuss the future development in this area, but not limited to the field of Engineering and Applied Science. The current warming trend is of particular significance, as it brings severe and disastrous consequences and is now proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades. Endangering the survival of the Earth’s flora and fauna, and the human race is no exception. Climate change also increases the appearance of more violent weather phenomena, drought, fires, heat/cold waves, the death of animal and plant species, flooding from rivers and lakes, the creation of climate refugees, and destruction of the food chain and economic resources, especially in developing countries. It is an issue that requires solutions that need to be coordinated at the international level to help developing countries move toward a low-carbon economy.

Main organise:

Elite Achieve Inc.

Town where the conference is held:

Hawaii, United States


10.08.2023 - 12.08.2023

Conference web:

Subject specialisation of the conference:

Electrical Engineering , Power Engineering, Other, Psychology

Parameters of the conference:

for Ph.D. students
attendance fee

Added on: 23. November 2022 v 00:00


Electrical Engineering , Power Engineering, Other, Psychology, Elite Achieve Inc., August 10, 2023