SCIRESCO | univerzitní vědecké konference na jednom místě...

univerzitní konference | vědecké workshopy

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V databázi SCIRESCO je aktuálně

113 aktivních pozvánek na vědecká

odborná setkání.


Conference Invitation

QUAERE - Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD. students and assistants 2024, vol. XIV.

  • June 24 - 26, 2024
  • Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD. students and assistants
  • Call For Papers


Detail of the conference

Detail of the conference: display all conferences in the SCIRESCO database


ME Conference

6th World Machine Learning and Deep Learning Congress

Hello, 6th World Machine Learning and Deep Learning Congress (Machine Learning 2019) is scheduled to be held in Helsinki, Finland during October 24-25, 2019 with the theme “Making the world a new place with technology". Machine Learning Conference will set a platform for most innovative minds, practitioners, experts, thinkers, eminent Researchers, Scientists, Professors, Developers, Analysts, and Newbies globally to discuss an approach to Machine Learning & Deep Learning researchers. We cordially welcome everyone who has interest in Machine Learning & Deep Learning, who wants to share their researches & knowledge amongst the gathering and also who is eager to gain more about the intelligent future of Machine Learning, under a cloistered platform for an extreme period of time at the International Conference on Machine Learning & Deep Learning.

Kindly let us know your opinion towards attending the conference.

Conference link:

Thanks - Amelia Smith


ME Conference

Místo konání:

Helsinki, Finland

Termín konání:

24.10.2019 - 25.10.2019


6th World Machine Learning and Deep Learning Congress (Machine Learning 2019) is scheduled to be held in Helsinki, Finland during October 24-25, 2019 with the theme “Making the world a new place with technology". Machine Learning Conference will set a platform for most innovative minds, practitioners, experts, thinkers, eminent Researchers, Scientists, Professors, Developers, Analysts, and Newbies globally to discuss an approach to Machine Learning & Deep Learning researchers. We cordially welcome everyone who has interest in Machine Learning & Deep Learning, who wants to share their researches & knowledge amongst the gathering and also who is eager to gain more about the intelligent future of Machine Learning, under a cloistered platform for an extreme period of time at the International Conference on Machine Learning & Deep Learning.


Amelia Smith



Web konference:

Oborové zaměření konference:

Elektrotechnika, Energetika, Informatika, informační technologie, Nauky o materiálech

Parametry konference:

vědecký a programový výbor
více jednacích jazyků
příjem příspěvků
recenzovaný sborník
vybrané příspěvky budou dále zveřejněny
účastnický poplatek
kooperující journaly, indexace

Přidáno dne: 13. května 2019 v 00:00


Elektrotechnika, Energetika, Informatika, informační technologie, Nauky o materiálech, ME Conference , 24. října 2019